Friday, September 3, 2010

Feeling Good

Feeling good today.  I had my WI last night and I was down another 2.6lbs which brings me to a total of 9.2lbs lost!  This is officially the longest I have stuck with any sort of weight loss plan.  It got me thinking about goals.  Should I be setting myself goals?  I was thinking of all the things I am afraid to do or tell myself I can't do because of whatever!  Laziness, fear?  Who knows? 

Here is a list of all the things I am afraid to do but want to try...

  1. Swimming - absolutely am terrified in the water.  I am fine in the shallow end.  If my feet can touch the ground I am OK, but the minute I get in the deep end.  TERROR!  I have to be close to the ledge where I can grab it, just in case.  I can float and tread water and doggy paddle, but I have this terrible mental block about putting my head under water.  The pool is closed for maintenance now.  It reopens at the end of the month.  I am working up the courage to sign up for swimming lessons.  I'll keep you posted!
  2. Skiing - so want to try this.  It looks so fun and I know it is great exercise and since it is mostly winter here it would be nice to have more activities to do outside.  It is pretty expensive though and I wouldn't want to go by myself.  I might check into lessons and see what the cost would be and try to convince someone to come along.
  3. Skating - this would be fun to do as a family.  None of us can skate really well and it is another thing we can do outside.  The only thing that has me scared is the ankle support.  A couple years ago I was racing with my daughter and stepped the wrong way and rolled over my ankle.  I tore the tendon and was off my feet for quite awhile.  Did I mention the pain?  Oh the pain!  So much pain!   It makes me quiver just to think about it.  I do not want to go through that again.  So I am a little nervous about that.
  4. Horse riding - This would be just fun.  Who doesn't have grandiose dreams of roaming around on a horse?  Problem for me is I am scared of horses.  I fell off one when I was a wee child and have never been able to forget the terror of trying to hang on while this beast was bucking and galloping to get me off.  I flew off and was almost trampled.  Terribly scary for a 6 year old.  Ever since then I have been scared.  I come near a horse and it gets nervous and skittish and I am definitely nervous,  maybe they can smell the fear off me, who knows?  But still want to try this.  One day.
Where was I going with this?  Oh right!  Goals.  Should I make myself some?  I'm gonna think about it.  Small steps.  Right now my goals for this week are to journal, drink water, and get some sleep.  Also. get my damn ipod loaded so I can use it on my walks. 

At our meeting last night we talked about the benefits of exercising:  improved moods, sleep better, relieves stress, enhanced body image, good for your heart and many others.  We learned that 25 percent of people do absolutely nothing for exercise/day.  60 percent do less than 30 minutes/day and 40 percent do at least 30 minutes/day!  I am proud to say that I am in the 40 percent!  I always go for my walks everyday.  It does make me feel good.  I have been getting better sleep and even though  I don't have less stress in my life, I find I can handle it better.  I have been thinking about kicking it up a notch and someone at the meeting said there is an app for ipods that is called Couch Potato to 5k.  I am going to give that a try this week.  As for the gym I am looking into prices and comparing cost.  I do want to start weight training as well which is what I will be using the gym for.  Well I guess that's all I have to say for now.  I am still here and fighting!   

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend that says "we diet to look better but we exercise to feel better." It's true and yes, try skiing. I love it.
